If you have found the Coals to Newcastle web sites to be of value please make a donation to help keep them on the Internet. Donations will cover hosting and domain costs.
Train Simulator Addons
This site hosts Australian Train SImulator Content.
Open Rails installation - for users who only have OR - you will need to load additional freely available files to establish a OR environment.
General NWSGR content and information is available on the Coals to Newcastle site (or see link above on toolbar).
Routes Hosted on this Site
To explore screenshots of the routes available on this site click on one of the following links or the menu options above.
Route Download
The following routes are available on this site:
Other Coals to Newcastle Routes
Other Coals to Newcastle routes can be viewed by clicking on the links in the toolbar above, or click on the following links.
Manning River Breakwall Railway
Screenshots and Activities
If you would like to submit any activities or screenshots, please contact me through the contact page.

12 June 2016 - Joppa Junction Plus added to route downloads page.
28 September 2015 - Other Railway site launched.